"This has always been a motto of mine: Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work."
- Bette Davis
February 29, 2012
February 23, 2012
the next few days I will be m.i.a. I have way too much going on with school, work, and the play I'm in. yes, a play. I'll disclose more info after this Saturday once it's all over and not so hectic.
I got the best compliment from a semi-stranger today: "I love your style, its sorta vintageish retro vibe you got going on. I love it.!" :)
Au revoir!
I got the best compliment from a semi-stranger today: "I love your style, its sorta vintageish retro vibe you got going on. I love it.!" :)
Au revoir!
February 22, 2012
Words of Wisdom #24
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so out of control that you have to transform your life..."
- Elizabeth Gilbert
*Once upon a time, I believed that a soul mate had to be the perfect fit for you, but other the last year I've change my own belief. A soul mate does fit you perfectly, but he/she rather is your other half, the other half you. He/she shows you more about you than you may not even know about yourself.*
- Elizabeth Gilbert
*Once upon a time, I believed that a soul mate had to be the perfect fit for you, but other the last year I've change my own belief. A soul mate does fit you perfectly, but he/she rather is your other half, the other half you. He/she shows you more about you than you may not even know about yourself.*
February 21, 2012
First of Many
A few days ago I finally took the plunge and got my first tattoo. I have been wanting one for years now. I've had the money for a while, but I actually went through with it. I must admit I was scared and nervous when I arrived at the tattoo artist's house. I even got more nervous when my bestie called and told me to remember to breathe and relax. (He has several tattoos himself.) This really started to psyche me out. I began to wonder if I could go through with this and really get one. Turns out I really do have more cajones (or 'balls' as they say in Mexico) to get one. I have experienced adrenaline rushes before, but never like the one I acquired post tattoo. This adrenaline rush lasted for over 3 days! I felt great, I felt like I could conquer and do whatever I set my mind to. Actually, my tattoo has a big significance for me, especially at the stage of my life that I am at right now. However, that's a story for another day. For now I leave you with a picture of my first tattoo. I'm already thinking of how I want my next tattoo, which will be a tribute to my favorite band since I was in middle school!
February 20, 2012
Music Monday #21
This song has sorta become my anthem. Learning to be happy with what I do not have :)
Have a great week everyone!
Have a great week everyone!
February 19, 2012
Post Secret #26
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via Post Secret |
February 18, 2012
Happy list #8
I can't remember the last time I did a happy list, but last night I had a rough night. So I think one of these is due to help cheer myself up.
1. I dropped another pant size. I am now down to a size 8!
2. Buying new jeans for $19!
3. Reading and finishing a 400+page novel in a week!
4. Getting a new (used) to me delivery of books in the mail.
5. Eating my favorite burger with my favorite person. :)
6. Enjoying lattes at my favorite coffee shop.
7. Getting tickets for a long time favorite band with my favorite person. Excited to see Ozomatli in person!
8. Talking to my USC bestie about California's lovely PACT. Yes, I'm already doing my research.
9. Getting a near perfect on my paper. 11 out of 13 points :)
10. Being surprised by my favorite person. He showed up to the coffee shop I was studying at, and gave me a restroom break :)
1. I dropped another pant size. I am now down to a size 8!
2. Buying new jeans for $19!
3. Reading and finishing a 400+page novel in a week!
4. Getting a new (used) to me delivery of books in the mail.
5. Eating my favorite burger with my favorite person. :)
6. Enjoying lattes at my favorite coffee shop.
7. Getting tickets for a long time favorite band with my favorite person. Excited to see Ozomatli in person!
8. Talking to my USC bestie about California's lovely PACT. Yes, I'm already doing my research.
9. Getting a near perfect on my paper. 11 out of 13 points :)
10. Being surprised by my favorite person. He showed up to the coffee shop I was studying at, and gave me a restroom break :)
February 17, 2012
Drunken confessionals
Oh man...where do I even begin on drunken confessionals. Well, first off here's my personal definition: a person gets inebriated beyond recognition, proceeds to tell a good friend what they are currently thinking, or a secret or a good juicy gossip they heard via the grape vine. Then said inebriated person proceeds to blabber more than they should or realize that you are going to be sick and puke into your toilet, or side walk, or bush, etc. More likely than not you will spill out your honest feelings and thoughts, and depending on who you tell it can either be good or disastrous. Use drunken confessionals at your own risk.
I have been guilty of many sessions of drunken confessionals. I don't even know where to start on them. Oh I know let me just list a few things I've said (and have been told by others.)
- Dayyyymmnnnnnnn feisty Latina!
- "OH MY GOD!!! I want a ____ like that in me now!" {yes, I may have said this numerous times, and no I never did anything}
- "Yuly....voce e uma meninha muita boa!" {Yes, I would have full on conversations in Portuguese with my bestie and with my filter down I wasn't half bad at speaking it!}
- "Nooo...Yuly really!!? You too!?" (Proceed to run to my toilet and puke out a few long island iced teas and a pitcher or two of beer)
- "Katie!!!! Look what I found in the restroom!" (Pulls out jumbo sized industrial toilet paper roll from the restroom)
- "I don't like you." (I won't tell this to anyone sober, so if I say this drunk, its because I probably more than likely don't like you.)
-"Yuly...please, por favor, just let me call him. I need to talk to him. I miss him." (Thank you bestie for not letting me drunk dial anyone.)
Another word to the wise, if you drink with me be prepared to have me raise my volume tenfold, I'm already loud as it is, but even worse when I've been drinking. And I may or may not get overly excited when a song by Pitbull comes on the radio :)
I have been guilty of many sessions of drunken confessionals. I don't even know where to start on them. Oh I know let me just list a few things I've said (and have been told by others.)
- Dayyyymmnnnnnnn feisty Latina!
- "OH MY GOD!!! I want a ____ like that in me now!" {yes, I may have said this numerous times, and no I never did anything}
- "Yuly....voce e uma meninha muita boa!" {Yes, I would have full on conversations in Portuguese with my bestie and with my filter down I wasn't half bad at speaking it!}
- "Nooo...Yuly really!!? You too!?" (Proceed to run to my toilet and puke out a few long island iced teas and a pitcher or two of beer)
- "Katie!!!! Look what I found in the restroom!" (Pulls out jumbo sized industrial toilet paper roll from the restroom)
- "I don't like you." (I won't tell this to anyone sober, so if I say this drunk, its because I probably more than likely don't like you.)
-"Yuly...please, por favor, just let me call him. I need to talk to him. I miss him." (Thank you bestie for not letting me drunk dial anyone.)
Another word to the wise, if you drink with me be prepared to have me raise my volume tenfold, I'm already loud as it is, but even worse when I've been drinking. And I may or may not get overly excited when a song by Pitbull comes on the radio :)
February 16, 2012
Sometimes I forget
That I'm pretty friggin' amazing. The things I've done, the places I've seen, the books I've read, the people I've encountered, my experiences (positive and negative) have all helped shape me into the person I am today. I wouldn't have it any other way. People gonna hate, people gonna talk shit, people gonna be who they are. But I will always be me, and I can't let myself forget that. I've accomplished a lot in my short 24 years of life, and there's more to come in the future. I need to remind myself that I am not a failure by any means. I've simply just taken a few detours, and perhaps hit a few bumps on the road, but I'll get to my destination. I definitely give more than I expect in return. Sometimes I wish I didn't give so much of myself to others, but I believe its part of what makes me, me. I hope one day I can get in return what I've given to others. I know that sounds selfish but its been in the back of my mind lately.
Note to self:
Chris you are ahhmaahhzing, beautiful, intelligent, brilliant, crafty, energetic, daring, and poised to take the world. Don't let others bring you down. Cut them out of your life, like you cut out magazines. Can't stop, won't stop.
Note to self:
Chris you are ahhmaahhzing, beautiful, intelligent, brilliant, crafty, energetic, daring, and poised to take the world. Don't let others bring you down. Cut them out of your life, like you cut out magazines. Can't stop, won't stop.
February 15, 2012
Words of Wisdom #23
"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you."
- Maya Angelou
February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day is upon once again. I usually cringe, and I might just be cringing again, on the inside. I honestly have very low expectations on this Hallmark holiday of them all. The only times I've ever even had a decent V-day have been as a single lady. Wait, does this mean this year won't be that bad?!I always have this ridiculous idea of what V-day should be like in head, but it has yet come to fruition. Maybe that's the problem. I've let Hollywood ruin my idea of what Valentine's day should be like. So instead I'm just going to enjoy the day for what it is and let all my close friends know how much I love and cherish them. Even if at times I wanna scream at them and jump up and down to let them know they are making a mistake. I know this feeling can be easily reciprocated on me. This year I mailed out Valentine's day cards to all my close girl friends. And you know what?! It feels great to know that a few of them feel appreciated and great that they received a card from me. Some even have grown used to expecting a card from me in the mail. I guess it is the small things in life that make life a bit more bearable. I don't expect much from anyone really. A part of me is so used to being left out and forgotten (one of the issues I'm working on, and I believe it has to do a bit with me being the middle child) that if I don't receive anything back I'm okay with it! Because I know that I brought a smile to one of my best friend's life's, and she's been going through a tough time since we graduated.
I forgot what the point of my post is, other than I'm okay with being single and alone on V-day.
I forgot what the point of my post is, other than I'm okay with being single and alone on V-day.
February 13, 2012
Book #2
My Ántonia - Willa Cather
4 out of 5 stars
I picked up this novel last summer while I was still in DC. And, in true Me fashion I just got around to reading it. I love this novel. I had never really considered what life on the prairie and out in the Nebraska back country would be like. Cather puts a lot of things into perspective from immigrant issues to expectations of women to basic survival on a harsh terrain. I now understand why this novel is a classic, and it has gained the label of being a "classic" on my bookshelf. I'm very hesitant to call a book a classic, simply because everyone else does. Now onto book #3 of the year: White Oleander.
Music Monday #20
Happy Monday everyone! :)
I just discovered this group a few week ago, and of course, in true Christina mood: I am obsessed!
I just discovered this group a few week ago, and of course, in true Christina mood: I am obsessed!
February 12, 2012
February 8, 2012
Words of Wisdom #22
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” ― Minton McLaughlin
Because I hope that one day I can marry a person that I will fall in love with over and over again. Yes, I am that hopeless romantic and I hope one day I can shower that person with infinite little gifts throughout the years.
Because I hope that one day I can marry a person that I will fall in love with over and over again. Yes, I am that hopeless romantic and I hope one day I can shower that person with infinite little gifts throughout the years.
February 5, 2012
Post Secret #24
February 4, 2012
The girl in the corner
You know that girl who sits in the corner at parties with her book. She's the only completely oblivious to the party around her. All she knows is what she ingests and inhales from her book. She's having a party for one plus her book.
However, this story has an alternate ending. She doesn't end up in the corner with her book. Although she does have the book in her purse that calls her name. She feels like its just like in Harry Potter when he can hear the snake calling him, taunting him, tempting him.
For once she resisted her ultimate temptation. The one thing that she loves to get lost in the most. Her main escape from her emotions, from her life, from her world, from everything. Instead she tightly clutched her purse knowing well it could wait for a while longer until she got home.
Yes for once I didn't ostracize myself at the party tonight. Instead I mingled with my parents friends from back in the end (read: way back in the day, before I was even conceived, hello 70s!). Many thought I was 17 years old, which I've stopped taking as an insult and consider it a blessing. I'll be 25 this year and many still think I look 17. I'm proud of myself. I didn't cave in. I didn't succumb to my usual tendencies at awkward family parties. I even met a fellow Latina/Chicana who is currently working on her 2nd Master's degree!
Lesson of the night: learning to put my walls down means meeting new people and exposing myself to another world out there beyond me.
However, this story has an alternate ending. She doesn't end up in the corner with her book. Although she does have the book in her purse that calls her name. She feels like its just like in Harry Potter when he can hear the snake calling him, taunting him, tempting him.
For once she resisted her ultimate temptation. The one thing that she loves to get lost in the most. Her main escape from her emotions, from her life, from her world, from everything. Instead she tightly clutched her purse knowing well it could wait for a while longer until she got home.
Yes for once I didn't ostracize myself at the party tonight. Instead I mingled with my parents friends from back in the end (read: way back in the day, before I was even conceived, hello 70s!). Many thought I was 17 years old, which I've stopped taking as an insult and consider it a blessing. I'll be 25 this year and many still think I look 17. I'm proud of myself. I didn't cave in. I didn't succumb to my usual tendencies at awkward family parties. I even met a fellow Latina/Chicana who is currently working on her 2nd Master's degree!
Lesson of the night: learning to put my walls down means meeting new people and exposing myself to another world out there beyond me.
February 1, 2012
My hair refuses to cooperate today. It won't go up into a neat bun and I don't have enough time to curl it. Sigh. But good news: its Wednesday!!!!!
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