1. Giving is the best ever! I love coming up with practical and one of a kind gifts. In previous years, I have gone out shopping, but this year I'm doing a strict handmade Christmas. So everyone is getting something either handmade by me or someone on etsy.com
2. Receiving is nice, but if I don't get anything it's also not the end of the world.
3. The best gift I ever received was my espresso machine. Yes, that's right, my espresso machine! :)
4. The best gift I ever gave was the earrings I made for my sisters.
5. Something intangible that I wish I could receive is sewing lessons. So then I can really whip up my own creations faster than I do now.
6. Something intangible that I wish I could give is the joy of being by oneself. Yes, really, I don't think people learn how to be happy by themselves and go about being miserable.
7. The one gift I wanted as a child, but never got was an Easy Bake Oven...hmmm...I think my joy for being a domestic began as a small child.
December 17, 2010
December 13, 2010
Much love Monday
Loving my 2011 agenda I bought at Marshall's! Its the perfect shade of teal! :) Adding that pop of color.
December 5, 2010
December 4, 2010
Sorry, new Gap jeans
I’ve had my eye on a pair of jeans from the Gap, sadly, I can’t seem to budge with their price tag of $69.50!!! Especially being on a tight budget nowadays that’s almost a month worth of gas, a few meals and even a major trip to Target. I, however, do have about 4 pairs of jeans in my closet that I haven’t worn in the past few months due to a weight gain. Now this is where I am determined to not succumb to my itch of “wanting a new pair of jeans.” I’m going to weigh myself and set a running schedule up for myself and my goal is to be able to fit back into them. I mean, not just those jeans, but I have a whole closet full of clothes that I can wear and restyle & refashion with my handy dandy sewing machine. So here goes: newest resolution: to lose enough weight so I can fit back into my jeans & skirts.
In case you were wondering, here are the jeans I’ve been dying to get (it’s so hard too, since I even have a 40% coupon for the Gap!!!)

In case you were wondering, here are the jeans I’ve been dying to get (it’s so hard too, since I even have a 40% coupon for the Gap!!!)
December 3, 2010
Fill in the Blank Friday: Holiday Edition
2. The holidays are incomplete without a peppermint hot chocolate, going up to Hastings Ranch to take in all the gorgeous houses decorated in holiday lights, and a trip to go pick out our Christmas tree!
3. My favorite things to do around the holidays is to hang out with my sisters and have a good ol’ time!
4. A holiday tradition my family and I have is to gather around the table and eat so many tamales that we cannot physically move!
5. Holiday music is lovely! Yes, I am that person that is obsessed with it! I play it constantly in my car, but only in my car. It would drive everyone else at home nuts!
6. This year, I’ll be spending the holidays with my dad and older siblings. My mom and younger siblings will be traveling out of the country to Mexico (as is customary) for the holiday season.
7. Holiday wish list
- Anything from Anthropologie
- A pair of bow leather flats from J.Crew
- Sports bras, high compression please!
- Anything from Rugby
- An airplane ticket to DC or NYC :)
mhmmmm another one!
This takes me back to Georgetown when I used to go for walks through Rock Creek with Amelia or go out to Holy Trinity to play in their school yard with my besties at 2am.
December 2, 2010
A pocket for your wrist
I just love this amazing pocket watch made as a bracelet. I can just imagine the history it has and the potential it carries. If I can only find a pocket watch to convert into a lovely wrist watch!
(via Hilda Grahnat)
Renegade Craft Fair: Holiday Edition!
For everyone out wondering what to get your loved ones and friends this holiday season, look no further!! Quick grab your calendar and block out December 11 and 12!!! I promise it’ll be a good weekend!!! The Renegade Craft Fair: Holiday Edition is coming to LA!!!!! Yay!!! :) It’s once again at the Cornfields. I think this time I’ll take the Gold line down to the event, rather than drive. :) Thanks to Paper Pastries for the tip!
December 1, 2010
Parka + Leopard
I just absolutely love this combination of a parka, stripes & leopard print flats! I will definitely be trying out this combination on my upcoming trip. (I won’t share any details yet!! I’m just really excited to take my first vacation in 2 years!) Via. classiq
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