This is my list of 10 things I learned from Prudence.
- Planning for your future does not always produce the desired results.
- In fact it might just cause you to waste away your youth.
- Only a handful of positive outcomes emerge from exercising prudence.
- How to hide your true feelings, likes, and conform to society's and your family's expectations. (And this is not a good thing)
- How to effectively read, write, and create ridiculously long study guides.
- You can't survive life by being scared. You need to attack risk (or the danger) head on.
- Take risks.
- Be yourself. No one got ahead ( or learned to be happy) in life by lying to themselves.
- And planning can lead you astray to another wonderful plan that you'll end up loving more than your original one.
- Finally, I learned how to be the biggest prude possible, but in the process of unpruding myself. (Yes, I just gave myself poetic license. :) )
Remember: Exercise Prudence in moderation. Use extreme caution when around Prudence.
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