Life lessons.
Yes. Life lessons.
Those pesky life lessons. Well, not really. In the past week I've really come to understand a few of those life lessons myself. Since I graduated in '09 I've realized the following:
- life is about being happy. Be happy with who you are, who you are with, and with what you are doing.
- indulge in your favorite foods, even if they might make you gain a few pounds.
- stretch marks are not the end of the world. I like mine. Yes, I just admitted online that I have stretch marks.
- discover your true passion for a career. Do it so that it makes you happy. I love to be in the classroom even if I am underpaid and overworked. My students make me happy.
-realizing that when an old HS teacher tells you about finding your "better half" she really means that. Its just as simple "as I knew he/she was the one." This person really is your better half, your BFF, and the one that completes you. Yes, it might be cheesy, but it is true.
- living in the same time zone as your bestie does not always guarantee you quality time via phone calls, but it does bring some amazing online chats.
- money is not everything.
- travel with the people you love and care about. You learn so much from them by just going on a simple road trip.
- keep in touch with old friends. Yes, college friends are great, but old friends from HS remind you of who you are and where you came from.
I've been thinking a lot lately. More of an attempt to make sense of a lot of things that I have been avoiding or just ignoring all together. There are things I need to change in order to have better relationships/friendships with people. Mostly, I just need to communicate more, especially when I get hurt and angry. As a cancer I tend to shut myself in; something that I've become a professional at since my childhood. (You're reading about a girl who learned to hide in her toy box so that no one would find her.) So this post is a huge ramble, it is an honest attempt at making amends and changes in my life. I apologize if its a bit melodramatic, but I can't help but be a little melodramatic every now and then.
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