I'm sorta obsessed with The Smiths. Okay, so maybe I am. I can't get enough of this song! Currently on replay on my iPod. : )
Happy Halloween everyone!!!
And, Happy Monday!!!
October 31, 2011
October 30, 2011
Post Secret #11
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via Post Secret |
October 28, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday #9
1. When I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist when I grew up.
2. As an adult, my dream job would be a full-time English and Spanish teacher .
3. W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like one of the characters in whichever book I was reading at the moment .
4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was the year I was a scary person. I spent an hour in hair and make up with my big brother, but it came out ahh-mah-zing! .
5. My favorite childhood toy was my hot pink Barbie battery operated car .
6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I really wasn't a kid, but I bought tickets as a h.s. senior for a Tiger Army show and went to Hollywood with my girl friends and it was the best show ever! Worth being grounded .
7. I get daily inspiration from bloggers, Pinterest, people on the street, books, and the people I love .
October 27, 2011
OOTD 10.27
My apologies, I didn't manage to snap a picture of yesterday's outfit. But don't worry, I have one for you today!
4th day on the new job! And I'm starting to get this scratch in my throat and little cough :( SO I just took some preventative OTC stuff that my mom keeps in our cabinet for these kinda days. I'm going to nip this in the bud! I will not get sick!
Happy Thursday y'all!
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Sweater: Charter Club; Skirt: Gap; Tights: Betsey Johnson: Tee: Espirit: Watch: Anne Klein |
Happy Thursday y'all!
October 26, 2011
October 25, 2011
Happy list #5
Happy list #5
And now, I leave you with a GPOY :)
- Joining an amazing running group.
- Running 5 miles and feeling great about it!
- Starting my new job.
- Being semi stress free.
- Learning to meditate.
- Getting to drink one of my fave espressos with a great friend.
- Catching up with one of my girl friends! Chisme session!
- Slipping and falling, okay maybe not all that happy, but still funny now that I think about it.
- Finally eating some In N Out! It was delish!
- New issues of Vogue arriving in my mail box.
And now, I leave you with a GPOY :)
OOTD 10.25
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Sweater: Zara, Pants: J. Crew Minnie, Watch: Anne Klein, Earrings: Pearls |
October 24, 2011
OOTD 10.24
On the new job edition!
Blouse: Ann Taylor
Cardigan: MNG by Mango
Skirt: NY& Co.
Watch: Anne Klein
Ring: Georgetown class ring
Earrings: Pearls
Blouse: Ann Taylor
Cardigan: MNG by Mango
Skirt: NY& Co.
Watch: Anne Klein
Ring: Georgetown class ring
Earrings: Pearls
Music Monday #8
The other day I had the chance to swap music likes and interests with a dear old friend and I came out completely obsessed with a few musicians. As usual, and almost a requirement for myself, I take my obsession above and beyond. So, I just found out that the lead singer from Thrice, Dustin Kensrue, has his own solo/side project! I know about four years too late, but better late than never, right!? I love this song. I love that its for his wife and such a sweet song. I wonder what it must be like to have a famous musician and artist for a husband?!
Have a great Monday!!
I start my new job today! :) Eeekk!!!
October 23, 2011
Post Secret #10
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via Post Secret |
October 22, 2011
10 things my mamà never told me (and I wish she had)
Lately, I've been into lists. It seems to help sort out my thoughts and write. So here goes another round of a list.
10 things my mamà never told me (and I wish she had)
10 things my mamà never told me (and I wish she had)
- The feeling you get in your vajayjay means that you are sexually aroused. No, it does not mean something is wrong with you; it means you are a healthy, normal young lady. And touching yourself does not making an indecent girl, it simply means that you are exploring your body.
- Periods are a part of life. It doesn't get easier, but you grow accustomed to it.
- Engaging in coitus is not bad, however it must be done wisely and not just with anybody.
- Sympathy is a necessary skill in life, however empathy is an even greater one. Learn to not only sympathize with people, but also empathize with them.
- I don't have to bottle in all my feelings. Occasionally disclosing how I feel and what I think is not the end of the world. It means that I am an individual with valid honest feelings.
- The world is not as scary as it seems. Yes, bad things happen, but for the most part its happy, joyous moments you get to relish in.
- When things get tough it is OKAY and perfectly fine to just cry and let it all out. No, it does not mean that you weak, yes it does mean that you are vulnerable, but in the end sometimes its nice to just cry out your frustrations.
- You can't do everything by yourself. You need that support and network of the people you love around you. No matter how much you try to feign that you can do it, sometimes you just can't.
- Falling in love does not make you frail. It means you've found your BFF, your better half, tu media naranja. And yes, it's fine to love that person with every fiber in your body. So go ahead, fall in love, get hurt, love that person some more; you'll learn and grow from it more than you could ever imagine.
- Be yourself. You cannot ever be duplicated. Enjoy life! Live life! And most importantly, learn to love yourself.
October 21, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday #8
1. Nothing says fall like fresh baked pumpkin and apple pies .
2. My favorite autumnal tradition is baking a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving .
3. My favorite fall treat is Salted caramel mocha fraps from Starbucks :) .
4. Fall makes me think of cozy sweaters and cuddle time because the temps are cooler and its perfect time to cozy up to the one you love .
5. Autumn free form word association, go! sunny, crisp, cool days. apples, pumpkins, squash, turkeys, coffee.
6. My go-to outfit in the fall is a dress, cardigan, tights, and flats .
7. My favorite fall holiday is (Halloween or Thanksgiving) Neither: Day of the Dead! :) .
October 19, 2011
Letter from Mr. Graffin
I'm going to say that he personally addressed this letter to me and thanked me for purchasing his book and reading it. I'm also going to tell myself that he knows that I'm a big fan and in love with his brain. Yes, that's right, his brain. :) And now, I might be contemplating getting a copy in paperback just because. :)
Greetings Christina,
Well, it's been quite a year. In Sept. of 2010 Anarchy Evolution was
released as a hardcover. I had a great time meeting so many readers
at those book events around the United States and Canada. It's with
great satisfaction -- and a complement to the book's success -- that
I was informed about the paperback release. Whenever a paperback
comes out for a book I like, I enjoy having multiple copies; one to take
on tour that usually gets thrashed, one to stick in my field bag that I
take on hikes, or one copy that stays on that little pile in the kitchen
for weeks. Infused with crumbs and discolored with coffee, it's a great
breakfast companion. I just want to thank everyone who enjoys the
kind of slow entertainment and education they get from reading books.
There's no substitute for a tattered page. It records history and
contemplations in its grungy stain. Thank goodness for paperbacks!
All my best,
Greetings Christina,
Well, it's been quite a year. In Sept. of 2010 Anarchy Evolution was
released as a hardcover. I had a great time meeting so many readers
at those book events around the United States and Canada. It's with
great satisfaction -- and a complement to the book's success -- that
I was informed about the paperback release. Whenever a paperback
comes out for a book I like, I enjoy having multiple copies; one to take
on tour that usually gets thrashed, one to stick in my field bag that I
take on hikes, or one copy that stays on that little pile in the kitchen
for weeks. Infused with crumbs and discolored with coffee, it's a great
breakfast companion. I just want to thank everyone who enjoys the
kind of slow entertainment and education they get from reading books.
There's no substitute for a tattered page. It records history and
contemplations in its grungy stain. Thank goodness for paperbacks!
All my best,
Words of Wisdom #8
"I dream of men who take the next step instead of worrying about the next thousand steps."
- Theodore Roosevelt
October 18, 2011
Happy list #4
Yup, its that time again....
happy list!
happy list!
- I got a new job! I start for a firm in Hollywood next week.
- Running a 5k with a good friend in about 2 weeks.
- Finally getting a huge secret off my chest to someone I care very much about.
- Giving in to your what your body tells you versus what your brain is telling you.
- Getting a great night's sleep.
- Creating a list of ideas/thoughts for potential writing pieces.
- New job! :)
- Runs! I swear I love how I feel during, and after my runs.
- Discovering new music.
- Watching Kill Bill vol. 1
October 17, 2011
Music Monday #7
Moenia an electropop group from Mexico. Amazing live! Have an amazing week everyone!!!
¡Smile its lunes de vuelta!
¡Smile its lunes de vuelta!
October 16, 2011
Post Secret #9
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via Post Secret |
Have a lovely Sunday!
October 15, 2011
Me, myself, & I
Eve Ensler I love you. I really do, and for me to say that I love someone is a pretty big deal. You gave me the courage, the strength, and the serenity to participate in the Vagina Monologues a few years ago. And now, again you are here supporting me, giving me the strength to reach out and make things better for myself. I have finally chosen to tackle head first what has been troubling me since I was a sophomore in college. Life is never easy, but it doesn't mean that it has to be ridiculously hard either. So here I am tackling my inner demons that have held me back for so long. No more putting myself in unnecessary unsafe and stupid situations. VagiMon you taught me so much about myself, and some how and some where along the way I lost sight of what I had learned during those months. I cannot lose sight of myself, my sexuality, my gender, and what I'm capable of. A good friend once told me that I'm "enigmatic" and that's a good thing.
I am multi-faceted.
I am me.
I am everything that I want to be.
I am multi-faceted.
I am me.
I am everything that I want to be.
October 14, 2011
El futuro
10 things I'm looking forward to:
- Roadtrip with my family to visit my little sister in Santa Cruz.
- Family day trip to SF in November.
- Reading Supergirls Speak Out by Liz Funk & Lion Eyes by V. Villaseñor
- Running my first 10K (since H.S.).
- Benjamin's 3rd birthday!!! (Okay, maybe a few months away, but still I'm excited!)
- Buying all the people I love books for Christmas.
- Starting school again.
- Finding a better job.
- Thanksgiving meal with an amazing group of people at the Villaseñor Ranch.
- Visiting my deal ol' Nana. Eating pie, going to mass, and spending quality time with her.
Fill in the Blank Friday #7
1. The most selfless thing I've ever done was buy groceries for a homeless family while I was in Spain.
2. When it comes to working out I'm getting better at it. I've become hooked on running, although its getting harder in the mornings to get up. I don't know why I've been so exhausted lately .
3. A woman should always strive to be a force to be reckoned with. And to quote Ludacris: "A lady on the streets, and a .... in bed. " ;) Well that last part is more of my take on what I should be .
4. I wish I could lift tons of weight and get strong and then I'd wake around knowing that I could beat any one up :) .
5. A best friend is someone who knows all your crap and will call you out on it, but loves you nonetheless (I totally agree on this with Lauren!) .
6. I can't get enough of every thing Dia de los Muertos. Its my favorite holiday and I always look forward to it .
7. This weekend I am babysitting my nephew overnight, going to an outdoor show with some friends, and going for a long run on a trail .
October 13, 2011
DTLA Art Walk
I finally decided to do something I've been wanting to do in ages. I went and met up with an old childhood friend at the art walk. I had a blast. It was great night I met new people, tried new foods (tempura teriyaki yum!), took pictures, saw some great art work, and got autographs. Overall, a great night with some great people!
Santos de Los Angeles from la Muerte Vive Show |
A piece of my childhood: the Belmont Tunnel |
The man that will one day give me my first tattoo |
2 artists giving their interpretation of a model |
October 12, 2011
Words of Wisdom Wednesday #7
So avoid using the word 'very' because it's lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don't sure very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do.
Dead Poets Society (1989)
October 11, 2011
Happy list #3
I think I like this better, than my old "Things I want", because honestly, there a lot of things I want and only a few that truly make me happy.
- Learning to relax and just go with the flow of things.
- Not taking any work home! Yes, I have finally managed to do this! Yipee!
- Indie movie nights with good company.
- Yard sale finds! A new blouse, sweater, and skirt for under $5, yes please! And thank you!
- Eating my favorite tacos from my favorite lunch truck.
- New running shoes!
- Listening to one of my favorite songs on repeat.
- Eating dark chocolate.
- Finding the song my class will perform too! Atomic dog :)
- One of my BFFs ran and completed his first half marathon! Woot! Very proud of him!
October 10, 2011
October 9, 2011
October 8, 2011
New acquisitions
I love to shop. I am the epitome of a girl when it comes to how I look and what I wear. During today's run I realized that I needed a new pair of running shoes. My current ones were causing my toes to go numb and now my ankles are sore [not cool.] So tonight I went with my mom to our local Nordstrom Rack, which had some amazing things in stock! I scored a great new pair of running shoes, which actually fall under the category of "training shoes" perfect for runs and my Zumba classes. And, I also scored an amazing pair of Paige Premium denim. After a relentless search I found this pair! Yay! They fit great and I love how the pair elongates my legs and makes my tush look. :)
October 7, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday #6
1. Something popular that I can't stand/just don't "get" is watching Jersey Shore, what's so good about it!?
2. Something unpopular that I secretly love is ? (I can't think of anything) .
3. When I've had a bad day I go out for a solo run .
4. I'd prefer a night in to a night out any day.
5. Something that makes me nervous is taking my CSETs!
6. Something worth fighting for is your other half, your better half. This person is the one that completes and balances you is worth the fight; even if it does mean time apart .
7. When people think of me, I hope they think "she is caring, warm, tender, and caring" .
October 5, 2011
Words of Wisdom Wednesday #6
Sweaters are for collecting - you can never have too many.
- Lisa Birnbach
(ahhh because I have one too many, but it's all gravy baby!)
October 4, 2011
happy list #2
happy list is back for another round. :)
10 things that make me happy
- Seeing a deer, coyote, and hawk all within 2 days on my runs into the local hills.
- Playing tag with our special ed students.
- Reading books with my nephew and having him tell me why the dinosaurs get a sad face. [He's on a happy/sad face system for behavior. So everything is all about getting happy faces.]
- My nephew giving me my own sad face; for failing to correctly help him use the big boy toilet. (In my defense, I'm a girl, boy toilets are a new thing for me.)
- Rediscovering my passion for running.
- Zumba! Its so much fun!
- Students keeping themselves and each other on check. I just give them the evil look and they know.
- Watching my favorite TV shows.
- Enjoying my own homemade lattes in chilly weather.
- Having a fulfilling job. Even when it is stressful and overwhelming, I still love my students and school.
October 3, 2011
October 2, 2011
mia vita
Ohh mia vita, what a deceptive and conniving little vixen you are. (Also, recently I noticed how I personify every object/concept I do not like in a female and woman. My apologies to my gender, but I honestly don't think males/men can ever be as conniving as a female/woman can be. Trust me on this one.) When ever I think I get a break, bam! Turns out I don't. Here I am thinking I'll be able to go back to school for the spring semester, then it hit me. I have to pay for my car insurance and car payments at the same time. Sigh. So what to do? Do I take another semester off? Do I transfer to a more affordable program? [Mind you that I'm at my dream school working on my Master's and teaching credential.] I despise being such a pessimistic and worry wart, but truth be told, its all I can find myself to be at the moment. I love my job, minus the fact that its hardly enough for me to get by on. I really don't want to leave it, but by the looks of it, I just might have to. Sigh.
Mia vita, when will you get easier? When will all the pieces finally fall together? When will I finally have it all?
Mia vita, when will you get easier? When will all the pieces finally fall together? When will I finally have it all?
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