December 29, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday #16

1.   New Years is     often a night of uncertainty. I've never been into the whole party/celebration aspect of it so I always sort of just dread the day/night   .

2.   One of my New Year's resolutions will be   to not wait for one particular day to make resolutions, but rather continuously evaluate where I am and where I want to be; so that I can make the necessary changes for the better     .

3.  A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to   idk? I always forget them   .

4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was    to not repeat a sweater for a whole month. I have enough sweaters, but coming up with different combinations was tough    .

5.  This year I will be spending New Year's Eve   at a good friend's house with good company or I may just be spontaneous and head over to a NYE party I was invited to attend. No alcohol for me though, its been a tough month and I will not let it consume me into the point of no return (read: blackout)  .

6.  If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be   to continue on my journey of 'becoming' and resolving all my internal conflicts/anxieties/problems. I just really want to learn to be happy on my own, make new friends, learn to be a better person with the ultimate goal of preparing myself for the next few years down the line .

7.  2012 is going to be    filled with challenges, hurts, love, excitement, happiness, joy, hard work, good music/company/food, more coffee, and another heck of a year in the life of Christina  .

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