1. I love to play video games, particularly the ones that involve playing "instruments" and singing. I'm completely uncoordinated in playing video games, but they are so much fun. And I can't carry a tune to save my life! Sadly again my Supergirl tendencies have kept me from enjoying this.
2. Kosher pickles are disgusting. I may eat them when I go to Canter's or to a Jewish deli but they are not good at all. Disgusting! I prefer regular dill pickles.
3. Football. Yes, I may or may not secretly enjoy watching football. I don't know anything going on, other than when a touchdown is made or when its 1st down or when its a safety. hehe.
4. I have a fear of spiders.
5. I wish I knew how to apply eyeliner. And how to do my makeup in general. I usually stick to my routine of mascara and Burt's Bees shimmer lip balm, but it would be nice to know how to apply the stuff.
6. I'm scared of not finding a teaching job once I finish school.
7. I'm terrified of being alone for the rest of my life.
8. When I was a student at HS #1, I was given the nickname 'Webster' because I was a brainiac/know-it-all in my chemistry class and because I my vocabulary was ridiculous, thank you SAT prep. At first I hated the nickname imposed on me by the upperclassmen, I was a sophomore at the time. However, over time I loved the fact that I was referred to as 'Webster'.
9. The first time I had coffee I hated the taste of it. Thank goodness I got over that real quick!
10. I only like eggplant when its in eggplant parm; otherwise, eww bleck! :D Eggplant not for me.
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