January 7, 2012

Things we forget

I've been following for quite some time the blog Things We Forget. Today's post really struck a nerve with me. I often fall into this nasty trap of where there might be an obstacle and I'll either freak out and practically have a panic attack over it, or I won't even bother with it. Again, has to do with my Supergirl tendencies, but I will over come it. Take for example me being in grad school. So I didn't have to go to USC to get my Masters in Teaching and my secondary English credential, but it has always been my dream to attend USC. Yes, it is ridiculously expensive. I almost didn't apply because I couldn't fathom being in debt further and the cost of tuition. I took the risk and applied. Surprised I gained admission I began my coursework last spring. Now it'll probably take me about another year to finish a program that can be easily finished in a year and half. I'm taking my time to work and save money, pay for my program out of pocket, and pay down some of my debt. Obstacle yes! But will it destroy me completely? No it won't. Will it take me longer? Yes, but I'm okay with that. In the end this will hopefully allow me to mature a bit more and be a better teacher and mentor to my future students. So remember, obstacles are always either imaginary or temporary.

Have a great weekend!

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